Our consultation response to the Sentencing Council’s draft guidelines on early guilty pleas highlights our concerns that the proposed changes will not benefit enough victims and witnesses and it could unnecessarily increase the prison population.
This response highlights the CJA’s views on the role the magistrates have to play in a fair and effective criminal justice system.
This report highlights the experiences of victims, witnesses and defendants of criminal trials in the Crown Court
This response outlines the CJA’s views on the criminal courts charge and the reasons we believe reform is needed.
This report outlines the role of the French juge d’application des peines, or JAP, and what the courts in England and Wales could learn from the French experience.
This report discusses the concept of procedural fairness within and the impact it has on compliance with court orders and the law generally.
This study focuses on the inclusion of the concept of maturity into the new CPS Code and how it will work in practice.
The CJA outlines our ambition for uptake of justice reinvestment principles and areas where there is growing evidence of impact in terms of crime reduction and other positive outcomes, principally restorative justice and problem solving in the courts.
This short paper outlines ten widely held beliefs about the criminal justice system that the CJA believes need further thought and discussion
This report focuses on Mental Health Treatment Requirements and their ability to address a major cause of offending behaviour. It warns that the proposed changes may mean that the emphasis in community sentencing will no longer focus on addressing root causes of offending and the MHTR will remain underused.
This report analyses how several European countries, especially the Netherlands and Germany have seen a sharp decline in their prison populations over the last five years. It highlights several features in continental justice systems that are associated with a more moderate use of prison.
Minimising unnecessary and undue delays within the criminal justice system is something the Criminal Justice Alliance welcomes. Uncertainty around timings and court appearances alongside unnecessarily protracted cases can lead to increased expense, stress for victims and witnesses and cause anxiety and insecurity for offenders and their families and dependents.
This report considers how and why the female prison population has increased and what the consequences have been. This is followed by a review of past and current government attempts to reduce the number of women going to prison and what changes might be needed if the number of women entering prison is really to fall.
This Transition to Adulthood (T2A) report sets out current sentencing procedure for young adults, examines the case for considering maturity as part of the sentencing process and discusses what the benefits of this approach.
The CJA welcomes the emphasis on rehabilitation, wider availability of restorative justice, increased diversion for offenders with mental health problems, and the need for a joined-up approach to tackle these problems. However a sustained effort will be needed to successfully address prison overcrowding, the most significant, current problem for prisons.
This discussion paper considers the development of criminal justice in England over the last 20 years, the policies leading to the current situation, and the issues facing the coalition government. It then reviews the implications of the period of austerity expected in all areas of public expenditure.
This collection of essays brings together experts on penal policy, including academics, campaigners and politicians, who put forward a selection of proposals that would radically change the criminal justice system.